
Please register for this event no later than 1 hours prior to the start of the event. Registration closes at 9:00am EST on Sept 13th, 2024 

If you need to cancel your registration, please email trainings @mccounselingcenter.com or call 240-772-1555. Cancellations made within one week of the event will not be refunded. 

We will make ADA accommodations wherever possible; please indicate your special needs upon registering at least 30 days prior to the event by sending an email to trainings@mccounselingcenter.com.

If a grievance arises pertaining to refund requests, complaints about course content, speakers, facilities, non-receipt of certificates, and or miscellaneous concerns, please contact trainings@mccounselingcenter.com as soon as possible so the concern can be addressed in a timely manner. Molly Zametkin, LCSW-C, who is the social work consultant for Montgomery County Counseling Center Sponsored Events that are approved by ASWB, is involved in resolving all concerns to prevent bias and provide resolution and improve future courses.

All grievances will be reported and kept on record along with all actions taken to address the grievance, whether the complaint was made to the provider, ASWB, or another entity. These records will be provided to ASWB ACE program when requested.

  1.  This virtual event will be hosted via Zoom Webinar, and you may be prompted to download or upgrade your Zoom app if using a mobile device. A strong WiFi connection will be required for best quality.
  2. We recommend clicking your "Join Webinar" button early and checking that your speakers are on before the event begins. Please do not worry about being seen or heard! Attendee video feeds and mics are turned off by default when entering a webinar. You will be able to ask questions via the Q&A feature.
  3. Please respect that no copying, recording, or distribution of live session content is allowed. CE's are provided for the "live" sessions only. CE's will not be available for the recordings.

System Requirements

• Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher

• Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher

• Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible.

Montgomery County Counseling Center strives to make all its programs and activities accessible to those who want to attend.

Please contact trainings@mccounselingcenter.com at least two weeks prior to the event to request disability accommodations. In all situations, a good faith effort (up to the time of the event) will be made to provide accommodations.